Gold_3_Digits |
for 3 digits accounts
OpenLongTrades |
if(true) ==> allowed opening buy positions.
OpenShortTrades |
if(true) ==> allowed opening sell positions.
StopLoss |
stop loss per points
TakeProfit |
take profit per points
MaximumSpread |
maximum allowed spread before placing an order
TradeComment |
a comment that will be shown with each trade
MagicNumber |
it is a number that helps the EA to recognize its own orders
ExcessivePoints |
This is an optional function that allows the EA to open extra trades to increase the profit/hypothetical-loss ratio. |
ExcessivePointsDistance |
The required distance per point for the ExcessivePoints function.
DynamicExcessivePointsEMA |
if(true) ==> the ExcessivePoints trades open only when the moving averages show a sign that the trend is gonna reverse. |
small moving average for DynamicExcessivePointsEMA .
big moving average for DynamicExcessivePointsEMA .
NewYearHolidayTrading |
if(false) ==> The EA is not allowed to trade from 20 December to 10 January every year.
Time Distance per second |
By using this input the EA won't be able to open new trades for " Time Distance per second "seconds after the last trade.
MoneyManagementType |
money management type. (FixedLot,AutoLot)
FixedOrderSize |
fixed order size for fixed lot money management
IncreaseLotSizeEvery |
if you choose auto lot money management the EA will increase the lot size based on this number
MaxPairsWithOpenPositions |
the maximum number of allowed allowed pairs with open positions at the same time. This Input is useful if you want to run more than 1 EA on your account. |
AvoidTradingAfterGaps |
if(true) ==> the EA is not allowed to open new series of trades after price gaps.
HowManyCandlesAfterGaps |
for example, if you use " AvoidTradingAfterGaps = true" and "HowManyCandlesAfterGaps = 50" the EA is not allowed to open new series of trades for 50 candles after the price gap.
HowManyPointsGaps |
how many points at least should be the price gap for the AvoidTradingAfterGaps function.
AvoidTradingAfterHiddenGaps |
if(true) ==> the EA is not allowed to open new series of trades after hidden price gaps.
HowManyCandlesAfterHiddenGaps |
for example, if you use " AvoidTradingAfterHiddenGaps = true" and " HowManyCandlesAfterHiddenGaps = 50" the EA is not allowed to open new series of trades for 50 candles after the hidden price gap.
HowManyPointsHiddenGaps |
how many points at least should be the hidden price gap for the AvoidTradingAfterHiddenGaps function. (the AvoidTradingAfterHiddenGaps function checks the abnormal candles that their (highest price - lowest price) are bigger than " HowManyPointsHiddenGaps" points.)